Calming with Kyanite

Blue kyanite calls me during times that my throat needs soothing, when I feel compelled to deepen a meditative state, or when my intuition sparks into new territory. Blue kyanite is especially good at giving gentle guidance when I feel out of options and spirit enters the scene to show me by using my own internal ancient wisdom.  Metaphysical AF!

The colors can range from light blue green to vibrant blue, to a dark sea green. A few pieces I have were gifted. The woman owns a crystal shop local to me, and she told me they are great pieces to use when skrying. I love the feel of them, so cooling and comforting to hold.  Other kyanite colors available are green, red, orange, and black.

  • high frequency stone
  • helps one speak their truth
  • Helps heal the throat (useful for public speakers)
  • connection into heart center
  • stimulates psychic abilities and spiritual maturation


When my throat bothers me and I feel exhausted from talking, I place a piece on my throat while envisioning blue mist covering my throat chakra. The throat chakra is the center of communication and the way we respond using our voice. The ways in which we express ourselves, how we create boundaries, and how we speak our truth relates to having an over excessive throat chakra or a deficient one. This energy center likes to flow freely with the center of our hearts and the space of our intuition, or higher knowing. 

When the throat feel tight, as if one can’t get their words out, denotes we are holding our thoughts in, denying ourselves from articulating our inner thoughts, what our heart feels, or what our gut knows as fact.  Some may call this a chakra blockage, however I don’t actually see energy as being completely blocked, but rather dense/sparse, or perhaps a slow moving/swift moving. 

Conversely, when we deliver our voice and message with harshness or frustration, anger, or impulsive reactions, this indicates an excessive energy center that needs more structure and soothing energy.  An excessive chakra would feel dense and heavy and might lead to other throat issues like, losing your voice, sore throats, etc. (super common for me). In fact so common that just last year I had surgery to remove one tonsil.  Perhaps that’s why I have so much of it!


Placing blue Kyanite on your 3rd eye 👁 brings heightened awareness of your psychic gifts. Working with this crystal, especially in tandem with moonstone, will allow you to work with your gifts in a systematic and organized fashion. Meaning, you will have the chance to work with your gifts slowly with control rather than all at once, which could easily leave the gifted person overwhelmed and feeling totally bombarded by spirit.  If you ever do feel your 3rd eye over worked or blown open by a random crystal bowl sound healing session (as one does), just place a small piece on your forehead to calm down the energy. 


Gridding with Kyanite is amazing! So, here you can see I have 4 blue kyanite pieces, 4 moonstone pieces, and 4 clear quartz points. The center piece is a selenite sphere. Selenite is a CLEARING mineral and incredibly UPLIFTING and POSITIVE stone.  I put this piece in the middle because I wanted the energy of the surrounding crystals to be elevated in their purpose. The Moonstone is a crystal for DEEP connection to EMOTIONAL wellbeing and PSYCHIC work. She is also related to Venus (retrograde until 11/16) and a perfect stone for getting in touch with my sacred feminine and how I exert and hone myself as a spiritual being. The kyanite relates to VOICE and also psychic development. I keep my grids on my table to meditate with each morning. I try to keep them up for a week or until my cat knocks a stone out of place.

I hope this has inspired you to pick up some kyanite from your local shop! You don’t have a local shop please contact me and I can look for a special piece just for you!

For those who already have kyanite in your collection, what does it bring for you? Calm? Healing? Truth? Let me know in the comments! Thank you.

Namaste & blessed be,



Love Thyself-5 Simple Steps


Love Thyself

I remain committed to my mission of “self-love.” My definition of self-love is: the ability to love oneself unconditionally, to make decisions in her best interest and in the interest of the common good; to set time apart for herself to ground, energize, and stimulate creativity; the ability to give oneself all things needed to thrive.

So much effort goes into self-love and self care. Yet, for others this idea is so naturally fluid that it takes no effort at all. I aim to get the that place where I innately make choices for self love as easily as I can take a deep breath into my body. Unfortunately, for myself, I wait until some crazy catastrophe happens, and then decide that it’s time for self care. What about my preventative habits? What can I do today that will give me the core foundations to make these choices before my health slips or I become too angry to even focus. I need self-care 101 class!

Everyday I hear moms, especially new moms, talk about the difficulty of putting themselves first. Our babies, toddlers, husbands, or jobs seem to take top priority. But, here is what I’ve learned this past month, suffering from a cumulative lack of self-care: I must come first to be a quality human being to my baby, or toddler, or husband, or job. I have neglected this important lesson. GULP. Thank goodness it’s not too late to begin now, where I am, in this moment, to start practicing what I preach.

Some of this is going to seem elementary. You will probably think, DUH. But, these are 5 steps that I can easily implement today.

  1. I will take a shower before 10am every day, blow dry my hair, and put on lip gloss to prepare for my day. (That means I leave Ben in the crib for 30 min while I shower, brush my teeth, etc.)
  2. I will set an intention upon drinking my first sip of tea or coffee.
  3. At bedtime, I will let go of the day by writing in my journal, even if the only thing I write is “This fucking day sucks.”
  4. Meditation with or without stones as I prepare my body for bed.
  5. Dedicate 8 hours to sleep.

So, ladies and gents, do you have a special routine or other healthy habits that you include in your life on a daily basis that instantly zaps you out of negative thinking patterns? What are they? Please share in the comments.

Thank you,
